Sunday, May 06, 2007

Genetic Discrimination Soon to be Illegal

Found this short blip in New Scientist magazine. I'm so thankful our country is taking this step! Having the ability to undergo genetic testing without fear of later repercussions from insurance companies is huge and could mean more people may likely seek genetic testing and, in turn, save their own lives in the process.

Soon it will be illegal to deny US citizens jobs or insurance simply because they have an inherited illness, or a genetic predisposition to a particular disease.

On 25 April, the House of Representatives voted 420 to 3 to pass the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). The Senate is expected to endorse the act within a few weeks, which is also supported by President Bush. "I am so stunned by the majority," says Sharon Terry, president of the Genetic Alliance, a charity lobbying for the rights of people with inherited illnesses.

"Clearly the House finally understood the incredible significance this has. The American public can now access genetic tests, feel safe about their genetic information not being misused and participate in research that involves genetic information."


Unknown said...

As a diabetic, I'm pleased. As a bitter old grump who has lost faith in the human race, I'm amazed.

Let's hear it for Individual Rights over corporate control and greed.


Heather said...

