Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Few Moments of Pure Joy

Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting outside in the swing on our patio watching my two oldest kids run through the sprinkler. Our smallest guy was motoring around the patio, discovering sticks and rocks and ants, full of amazement and wonder and smiles.

Zach and Kayley were so incredibly happy, squealing and shrieking when the cold water sprayed their backs as the stream of H2O moved on by. A warm breeze was blowing, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and life was good. For just a few fleeting moments, I had no other cares in the world and was simply engrossed in the play and freedom of childhood. I remember thinking, "This is so surreal," because all seemed to move in slow motion.

There will come a day when Zach and Kayley don't want to play together anymore... she'll be a moody teenager who thinks her younger brother is so uncool and he'll one day realize that older girls, especially his sister, are gross or boring. Jesse will have lost the innocence that he has now and the fascination with the simple things in life will, at some point, likely be brushed aside for bigger, better, and faster. For me, those moments of pure, surreal bliss that I experienced today while watching those beautiful children play and simply enjoy life and laughter will remain.

At least until the Alzheimers kicks in.

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Some people theorize that time moves at different speeds. For example, when time seems to be moving slow, it's because it is moving slow. I've always liked that idea, for reasons such as the moment you've shared. It's nice to think we can grab Father Time by the lapel and say, "Hey, slow down, dammit."

I love those moments. Nothing teaches us more about our humanity.

Your children are warm, safe and happy. No small feat in this wretched world. Pat yourself on the back.