Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Nanook of the North

We lost an old friend today. Nanook was euthanized this afternoon and I miss him already.

He had nipped at Zach about a month ago and has growled at Jess a time or two in the last couple of weeks. We have to put our kids before anything else in the world, so it was Nanook's time to go.

I wish we would have been able to find another home for him, but throughout his 10 years with us, he was aggressive in one way or another. I'm certain he was abused in his first home, before we adopted him from an animal shelter in Virginia back in 1997. He's always had a really tough time trusting men and would even become very hostile with me when I attempted to discipline him. No one else would have ever taken him, but I am thankful that I did. He had 10 good years with us in a home where he was loved and nurtured. He was always "my" dog and I will miss you, my friend. Rest well.

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