Thursday, March 08, 2007

Head and Heart

Earlier this week, our littlest guy, Jess, had an EEG and MRI to take a look at his brain. For nearly three months, last October through December, he had these "episodes," for lack of a better word, in which he would start blinking rather forcefully and purposefully, his upper body would stiffen, and his back would sometimes arch. These "fits" would last a few moments and then he would return to normal. I wouldn't classify them as full-blown seizures, but we knew something wasn't quite right. His pediatrician referred us to the Neurology Department at Children's Hospital, suggesting that he receive a full workup from them.

His initial physical exam with the neurologist was fine. The first series of lab/bloodwork they did was normal. The neurologist called this evening and said that Jesse's EEG was normal. However, the MRI showed some abnormalities in the white matter of his brain. They don't know yet what the abnormality is for certain, but Jesse's brain is showing signs of increased signaling, whatever the Hell that means. The doctor indicated that it might be caused by premature birth (not really applicable in our case), a viral infection (possibly), or some type of metabolic condition, but again he can't be certain at this point. He's ordered additional blood tests to hopefully pinpoint the exact problem, or at least rule out some potential problems. Once I know more, I'll post an update.

While he was at Children's Hospital for his EEG and MRI, the doctor indicated that Jesse also seems to have a heart murmur. The murmur was initially discovered when he was born, but there were professional differences regarding the severity of the problem, whether it would resolve on its own, etc. After our cursory four days in the hospital, we took Jesse home thinking that his heart was fine and all was good. No one has mentioned a murmur since. Until this week. The doctor said the murmur was evident to her, although she suggested it could be a subjective call, and indicated it sounded like a pulmonary flow murmur. She said it was likely benign, notified our pediatrician, and we added that to our list of concerns for Jesse. If the murmur is still evident at Jesse's 15-month check-up in April, an echocardiogram will be done to see what exactly is happening with his ticker.

He's a sweet little boy who doesn't deserve all this. It pisses me off that he has to be poked and prodded and put under and scanned and stuck and tested and... on and on. Although angry, I'm so thankful that we have the medical technology of today and know things could be much worse. I'm grateful that Jesse is happy and, most days, seems healthy. I'm appreciative of the doctors and nurses we've trusted our children to.

I do love this little boy.

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